Aleph's Writing Department
Aleph's Writing Department is made up of two different teams - the Analysis team and the Editing Team, Membership of one team does not exclude membership of the other, but editors are selected among the best Analysts within Aleph.
Every Aleph member is automatically assigned to the Analysis team as an analyst, unless they specifically request not to. The reason being, that the members of the Analysis team are those tasked with writing the analyses that end up being published on the website. Internally, the Analysis team is organised in four geographically-determined focus groups: the Europe FG, the Asia & Oceania FG, the Middle East & Africa FG and the Americas FG.
The Editing team is made up of a restricted number of individuals, selected by the Editor in Chief for their writing abilities. They are selected among the best members of the Analysis team, and are allowed to continue their work as analysts within said unit, while also performing their editor duties.
The Focus Groups
Aleph's four geographically-determined focus groups form the basis of the organisation's analytical work. Within these Focus Groups, Analysts are given ample opportunity to both write for Aleph and collaborate with others, contributing to the growth of both their own and other members' analytical and writing skills.
Of course, individual analysts can write on their own and are encouraged to do so, but Focus Groups provide by far the best avenue to achieve two of Aleph's key goals: the transfer and sharing of valuable skills from member to member on the one hand, and the furthering of a culture of critical analysis as far as security and international affairs issues are concerned.